We are a leading international law firm with a full range of services, which has more than 1,000 successful cases in various fields of law. Our lawyers work at the intersection of law, technology and business


Managing Partner of Krupnova & Partners Law Firm

  • Carries out active scientific activity, publishing scientific works and acting as an opponent in the defense of dissertation research
  • In 2018 she received a doctorate in law with a dissertation on "The system of enforcement proceedings in Ukraine: theoretical, legal and practical aspects", the results of which were taken into account in further improving the legislation in the field of enforcement proceedings.
  • By the decision of the reporting and election congress of lawyers of Ukraine on June 9, 2017 she was elected to the position of Deputy Chairman of the High Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of Bar )
  • On January 7, 2014, she received the title of Associate Professor of Law
  • In 2008 she received a diploma of Candidate of Law of the National Academy of State Tax Service of Ukraine
Krypnova Lybov Vasylivna
Krypnova Lybov Vasylivna with husband
  • Since November 15, 2008 he has been working as a lecturer at the Stepan Demyanchuk International University of Economics and Humanities.
  • On May 31, 2007 she received a certificate of the right to practice law
  • 2005-2008 graduate student of the National Academy of State Tax Service of Ukraine
  • In 2000-2004 she studied at the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, majoring in law
  • Doctor of Law, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Deputy Chairman of the High Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of Advocacy


Consulting services and representation in all areas of Ukrainian legislation

Consulting services and representation in labor disputes

General consultations

Preparation of various legal documents, wills, instructions, etc.

Activities of bailiffs, arbitrators, experts, arbitrators and psychologists

Patents and copyrights

Certificates of registration of enterprises

Activities of public and private notaries, certificates related to the establishment of enterprises


We don't just do business
we solve the essence of the problem


Krupnov Alexander Vladimirovich

Krupnov Alexander Vladimirovich

Digtyar Oleg Valerievich

Digtyar Oleg Valerievich

Senin Vadym Yuriyovych

Senin Vadym Yuriyovych


Diploma for professionalism and principles in the fight for the rule of law from NAA RAKO

Winner of the All-Ukrainian Award "Woman of the 3rd Millennium" in the rating section

For active citizenship and great work on social protection of war veterans and education of youth in the best traditions of defenders of the Motherland

Thanks for promoting the development and strengthening of the legal profession, dedication to the profession and high professional skill

Certificate for assistance in establishing the bar as a democratic institution

Thanks from the Prime Minister of Ukraine for a significant personal contribution to enriching the development of democracy in Ukraine

Thanks for a significant personal contribution to the establishment and strengthening of the state security of Ukraine

Diploma of Doctor of Sciences in the specialty Administrative law and process, financial law and information law

Rewarding the Order of St. Anastasia from the Orthodox Church

Order "Defender of the Bar" from the National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine

Order "Outstanding Lawyer" from the National Association of Lawyers of Ukraine

Thanks for the high public position, patriotism, love for Ukraine and constant assistance to the special team of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Thanks for the assistance of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Thanks for an active public position, patriotism, cooperation with the executive committee

National Bar Association of Ukraine


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